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Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Life, Death, Mind Control…

What if you had one magical power and one power only: the ability to use all other forms of magic?

The catch is, you need to level each and every one of them up first.

What would you do?



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What if you were cast into a strange fantastical world, given the ability to learn every form of magic that existed, and then discovered an entire cult of fanatics in league with an evil god wanted you dead?

What would you do to survive long enough to level up your magic and fight back



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Listen to the Audiobook

What if the last gods of light threw you into a fantasy world and gave you the power to learn every kind of magic and the ability to see the world like a role-playing game? And then you attracted a trio of deadly and beautiful lady adventurers before your enemies banished you to a vast dimension of darkness to die?

What would you do to find your way out and strike back at the evil god that wants you dead?